Centrapeak™, Sleep & Muscle Growth

Effective ingredients to promote quality sleep, support muscle growth and testosterone levels.

Sleep for Muscle Size

Sleep has to be the most under appreciated in any athlete's armoury.

Academic studies have demonstrated that there is a direct colleration betwwen sleep and mucle growth [1]. We are not just talking about bodybuilding here, it's any athletic discpline.

Sleep is an anabolic state that allows muscular and cellular systems to rejunvenate and repair.

Growth hormone, or somatotropin, is released in surges throughout the day and night, but the largest releases occur when you are asleep.[2] Sleep deprivation has been shown to suppress human growth hormone release. [3]

If you are going to achieve your goals in the gym you need good quality sleep.

Sleep for Strength & Performance

It has also been demonstrated through academic studies that sleep also affects strength.

A large scale study involving over 10,000 particpants showed that differences in muscle strength between those who sleep only 6 hours and those getting 7 or 8 hours.[4]

Studies have also shown significant changes in weight lifting performance due to sleep deprivation. [6]

Sleep facilitates the production of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and HGF which enable muscle repair, reducing your recovery time.

Can't I just take some sleeping pills?

Pharmaceutical answers to sleep problems are unlikely to deliver the deeep and recuperative sleep bodybuilders need for optimal muscle growth.

Side effects such as grogginess are bad enough, but prescription sleeping medication can have more serious side effects such as hallucinations and amnesia.

Natural supplements are a more gentle way to encourage productive sleep. The classic supplement for sleep related problems is melatonin.

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for sending you off to sleep. It therefore makes sense for manufacturers of supplements designed only to promote sleep to include it, and most of them do.

However it might not make sense for you. Melatonin isn't perfect and it may potentially cause side effects such as headaches, sickness and irritability.

Melatonin may also be unsuitable for one or more of the following reasons;

  1. You probably already spend a lot on supplements
  2. You may not have acute insomnia
  3. Melatonin may have side effects
  4. Melatonin is only recommended for short term use up to 4 weeks
  5. You may be allergic to melatonin
  6. It is not suitable to take melatonin if you have certain medical conditions

Other Issues

There are other reasons why you may not want to buy a dedicated sleep supplement.

For a start, there is a limit to the amount of supplements your average lifter can realistically buy. The best ones are expensive, and budgets often just don't stretch to a dedicated supplement for every single requirement you have.

Do you really want to have to buy another supplement?

The cost is prohibitive and some of them contain ingredients which may conflict with your ability to then take multivitamins or something else in your stack.

Wouldn't it be better if you had a product in your stack that offered a wide range of benefits including improved sleep? Testosterone, mental wellbeing, libido, energy and sleep too.

The Answer?

Centrapeak. Let's explain why though, and walk through the science behind that statement.

Alternatives to Melatonin

Melatonin isn't the be all and end all of sleep supplementation. There is a body of research on other popular natural supplement ingredients, and Centrapeak contains some of the best.

Plus - you get a whole lot more than sleep with Centrapeak, sleep is only one of the advantages. A host of mental and physical improvements come as part of the Centrpeak package.

Sleep, Strength & Muscle Growth

Centrapeak uses natural ingredients with strong research pedigree.

Phosphatidylserine & Sleep

Exercise, especially in the evenings, puts the body under stress. The body has a 'flight or flight' response, adrenalin increases and so do levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Elevated cortisol levels are not conducive to a sound sleep. Cortisol increases the activity in the HPA axis which can disrupt sleep cycles .[6]

Phosphatidylserine has been shown in studies to reduce the cortisol response to acute exercise stress [7][8], and therefore improves sleep patterns which would otherwise be negatively affected by exercise.


Ashwagandha & Sleep

This Ayurvedic herb is a widely used supplement, and has many potential benefits. Improved sleep is on of those, but not one that is routinely associated with this ingredient.

Ashwagandha has demonstrated an ability, to improve sleep quality, particularly for insomniacs with anxiety [9][10].

By increasing users resistance towards stress Ashwagandha can also improve self-assessed quality of life [11], reduce anxiety, and result in a better sleep.

Rhodiola Rosea & Sleep

Rhodiola rosea is a natural herb with a pedigree for improving sleep.

In clinical studies rhodiola has repeatedly shown an ability to reduce fatigue [12][13]. The mechanism for improving sleep is, as we've seen with phosphatidylserine, down to the reduction in stress hormone cortisol.

By reducing stress levels, improved sleep is not the only by-product. Improvements in quality of life, mood and wellbeing were also reported by participants in the studies.


Panax Ginseng & Sleep

Panax Ginsseng (sometimes known as Red Ginseng or Asian Ginseng) is another ingredient capable of influencing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis which determines stress repsonse. Panax ginsng can help normalize the stress repsonse, so it will reduce the effects of excessive reaction to stress.

Studies have shown it to have a beneficial effect on disturbed sleep [14]. Ginseng has also been shown to improve sleep by reducing the number of sleep/wake cycles in study participants.[15]


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Boost Testosterone

Centrapeak helps to increase your testosterone in three ways:

  • Union

    Leydig cell stimulation

    Leydig cells help you produce testosterone in the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH). Centrapeak supports this process, helping you to maintain peak test production.

  • Union-1

    Blocks SHBG

    Only about 2% of your total testosterone in the body is free. The other 98% is bound to a protein called Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG), which renders testosterone inert. As you age, you have more SHBG and less free testosterone. Centrapeak helps to increase your free T levels by reducing levels of SNBG.

  • Union-2

    Reduces estrogen

    Centrapeak uses natural aromatase inhibitors which block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. What's more, Centrapeak helps to directly reduce estrogen activity in the body.


Testosterone Support
& Cognitive Enhancement


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Scientific References

  1. Reilly, Piercy. The effect of partial sleep deprivation on weight-lifting performance. (source)
  2. Takahashi Y, Kipnis DM, Daughaday WH (September 1968). "Growth hormone secretion during sleep". The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 47 (9): 2079–90. doi:10.1172/JCI105893. PMC 297368. PMID 5675428. (source)
  3. Mullington J, Hermann D, Holsboer F, Pollmächer T (September 1996). "Age-dependent suppression of nocturnal growth hormone levels during sleep deprivation". Neuroendocrinology. 64 (3): 233–41. doi:10.1159/000127122. PMID 8875441. S2CID 3328167. (source)
  4. Chen Y, Cui Y, Chen S, Wu Z. Relationship between sleep and muscle strength among Chinese university students: a cross-sectional study. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2017;17(4):327-333. (source)
  5. Thomas Reilly & Mark Piercy (1994) The effect of partial sleep deprivation on weight-lifting performance, Ergonomics, 37:1, 107-115, DOI: 10.1080/00140139408963628 (source)
  6. Theresa M. Buckley, Alan F. Schatzberg. On the Interactions of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis and Sleep: Normal HPA Axis Activity and Circadian Rhythm, Exemplary Sleep Disorders. 1 May 2005 (source)
  7. Pistollato et al. Associations between Sleep, Cortisol Regulation, and Diet: Possible Implications for the Risk of Alzheimer Disease . 2016 Jul; 7(4): 679–689. (source)
  8. P Monteleone, M Maj, L Beinat, M Natale, D Kemali. Blunting by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. 1992;42(4):385-8. (source)
  9. Deepak Langade, Subodh Kanchi, Jaising Salve, Khokan Debnath, and Dhruv Ambegaokar. Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root Extract in Insomnia and Anxiety: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study. 2019 Sep; 11(9): e5797. (source)
  10. Raut et al. Exploratory study to evaluate tolerability, safety, and activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in healthy volunteers. 2012 Jul;3(3):111-4. (source)
  11. K Chandrasekhar, Jyoti Kapoor, Sridhar Anishetty. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. 2012 Jul;34(3):255-62 (source)
  12. Erik M Olsson, Bo von Schéele, Alexander G Panossian. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the standardised extract shr-5 of the roots of Rhodiola rosea in the treatment of subjects with stress-related fatigue. 2009 Feb;75(2):105-12. (source)
  13. Yevgeniya Lekomtseva, Irina Zhukova, Anna Wacker. Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial. 2017;24(1):46-52. (source)
  14. Han et al. Effects of red ginseng extract on sleeping behaviors in human volunteers. 2013 Sep 16;149(2):597-9. (source)
  15. Lee et al. Repeated Administration of Korea Red Ginseng Extract Increases Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep via GABAAergic Systems. 2012 Oct; 36(4): 403–410. (source)